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Don't Give Up Searching for new Treatments!


I get it, I have BEEN THERE!!! You are living with chronic illness, perhaps it is progressive like mine, and you are even told it will eventually be fatal… doesn’t make you very motivated to find the will to search for new treatments and TRY your best to remain as healthy as possible does it? But you know what?… YOU ARE WORTH IT! You are worth the fight, you are worth the effort and if no one around you in your life is telling you this - I am telling you this now and the God that chose to create you out of a 1 in 400 trillion chance knows you are worth it too.

It is okay to be defeated, it is okay to get depressed, it is okay to stay on that couch, or in that bed sometimes for an entire weekend. It is okay to FEEL like throwing in the towel and giving up, but DON’T! In my many years living with chronic illness I have seen literal MIRACLES from people with serious illness, who finally received life-saving, life-giving treatment and recovered their lives… even myself, now after 16 years of illness I am for the first time actually close to an opportunity to receive treatment and it has only been possible because of my determination to never give up on hope, never give up on research, and never give up on myself!

Hang in there, I know it is hard, so hard… but remember every second of everyday there is someone out there in a lab working on a new treatment/cure for YOU and your disease!

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