I recently posted a throw-back Thursday photo of myself to my socials showing a picture taken from a beautiful glamour pool-day photoshoot on location. T
hough I ended up with pain for days and walking pneumonia for 2 weeks after this “water-fairy” photo-shoot… I would totally do it again!!
When I was diagnosed with mitochondrial disease after an exhaustive 5-year search for answers… I was determined to still be ME and do the things that I loved, and pursue my right for happiness like any other person walking this earth deserves. Over-time as my condition progresses, I have lost a lot of abilities and freedoms that come with an able-body… but I am still determined to always live my best life in each day and each moment. It may mean that simply showering and applying makeup today is now my win, as opposed to an on-location glamour out photo shoot… but it is still something to be treasured and a gift to myself to use that time and limited energy to do what makes me feel good! Please continue to always just DO YOU… you are your best when you are being The Who God made you to be!