One of the Most emotionally challenging things for me over the past 16 years of living with chronic illness is finding the ambition, will, determination, and effort to continue to put in all the hard work that is required for good health… while watching my body slowly deteriorate despite my efforts. In a condition like mine which has a genetic causation, and with no current treatment available, it simply doesn’t matter how much effort I put in… my body will continue to fail until i ultimately loose all independence, and even the most simple of daily activities like eating, walking, breathing could all be lost.
Unlike a person in a healthy body, even when I eat 100% clean healthy diet, exercise, sleep well, keep stress to a minimum, meditate everyday, get sunshine, not drink alcohol, smoke… all the things it requires to have a healthy body and a healthy life… it still does not change the constant loss of my physical, and cognitive abilities. It is Hard. It is exhausting… but I continue, because at least it is something I CAN do within my situation, is always know that I never stopped giving it my ALL and trying with everything I’ve got to maintain health and independence, and ultimately life. I hope this can help encourage you to find the same strength to keep fighting today for your health even if your body has an illness which continues on despite your efforts. You are not alone in the struggle!