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I plan by the HOUR not the Day, or Week!


In a world which operates on plans, and schedules by the day, the week, month sometimes even a year in advance… living in a chronically I’ll body makes it nearly impossible for us to move in the flow of the rest of the world. A person with a chronic illness often can only makes plans by the hour, not even by the day, everything we do, or do not do depends directly on what our bodies are capable of in the present moment. We can not plan or predict where our bodies will be at tomorrow or the next day, forget about next week or month. Of course, because this is how the world works, we TRY our best… we try to keep exactly on schedule at school or at work, try to keep that plan to meet up for a morning walk with a friend, or a dinner with our boyfriend’s, girlfriend’s, wive’s, husband’s family… or the movie date we made with our daughter … but ultimately we often have to cancel and rearrange plans. This is one of the most challenging and frustrating pieces of life with chronic illness… a mind that screams YES we want to go, we don’t want to miss out on that opportunity to get out and be social, and to fell normal even if just for a couple of hours, but living in bodies which are screaming for us to make them the biggest priority 24/7.

Please be patient and compassionate to your loved ones who are fighting this chronic illness battle, and please if this is you, be kind and patient with yourself, you know you are doing your very best, and I know you are too!

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