In modern countries, we like to try to fix illnesses with a bunch of pills, we like to try to keep illness sanctioned from our lives… people should only be sick and at the doctors office, or recovering at home for a few days, or in the hospital or perhaps the rehab center.
However, illness does not fit into the neat little box of constraints we try to get it to fit it, sometimes an illness doesn’t have a fix, or even a treatment, and it doesn’t stay only at the doctors office or the hospital. Sometimes illness becomes a normal part of someone’s life and they learn to bring it to school with them, into work, while spending time with friends and family and loved ones, illness comes along for the job of raising children, vacationing, buying a first home, retiring, and all the other normal things of human life.
Illness actually is not an uncommon thing, illness is a normal part of life, it is a normal part of being a human and this human experience and eventually all of us will fall ill to one type illness or another, and that is okay, it is just life, and it is natural and okay, and you will be okay.