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It is NOT in your head, but it DOES affect your head!


Nearly everyone living with mitochondrial disease who was diagnosed as an adult has reported at least once during their odyssey for a diagnosis

was told by a doctor and/or others in their life that it was probably just all in their head, or maybe stress, anxiety, or depression causing all of their symptoms. This is just despicable and needs to stop. Invisible illnesses have very physically REAL causes, and science is showing more and more all the time, that mental illnesses are also rooted in real physiological root causes as well. Sadly, it seems it is often just too “easy” for physicians to go this direction, when other standard tests come back negative instead of admitting that they are out of ideas, and dedicating to their patients additional time, thought, research, and networking with other physicians to come up with a plan for continued investigation into the true cause, they just turn down this road, and it’s not just physicians, but co-workers, friends, and family members often do as well, when something is invisible, unknown, and misunderstood.

For me personally, I actually did not suffer a single emotional health issue, I was an incredibly well balanced, completely happy, normal child, until high school when all of my physical health issues began becoming problematic as well… the two went hand in hand. It always helps me greatly every-time I am having a challenging day with my mental health to remember the root-cause, to literally picture my poor exhausted brain cells who are deficient on energy, nutrients, and oxygen, and know that is the cause of my current state of mind, it is never something that I am doing wrong, or something that I am causing to myself. It has taken me YEARS to get to this point of self-care and radical acceptance of my shifting mental states however… so just please go easy on yourself, but always, always no matter what anyone says to you, know that YOU are not the cause of your illness, and that you are worthy of as much care, medical treatment, and support in every way as anyone else even if all of your symptoms are invisible!

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