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Realities of Caring for a Chronically-ill Loved One...


People often neglect to realize the significant impact of partners / spouses… children or parents who are supporting a person with a chronic illness. They often end up with hours and hours of additional responsibilities each week as household tasks and errands fall onto their plate… their ability to be flexible and spontaneous is also now lost due to the care needs of their loved ones and difficulty finding people to provide respite. Our support people also have to endure watching us struggle daily, suffer daily in pain, illness, frustration, and fear… and the weight of feeling continually like they are failing at “fixing us” or being able to free us form our suffering is an enormous weight to carry. I often tell everyone that my partner is the true warrior here, because I am suffering everyday and sick not by choice, but she has the choice to leave me and leave it all behind… and yet everyday chooses to continue to bear the weight and stay and love, and do her best and I am truly in awe of that strength!

Please if you know someone in your life caring for a loved one who is sick - REACH OUT… call to just ask them how they are and let them vent… this helps so much - or offer to go to the grocery store, come and walk the dog one day per week… offer to do laundry one day a week, or drive to the pharmacy or a doctors appointment… you would be amazed at how offering a really small simple helping hand can make such a difference for these amazing warriors who selflessly give and care everyday!

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