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Routine is a luxury of the healthy!


Living with a chronic illness often means life is very unpredictable and far from routine! A healthy morning routine, a work routine, a bed-time routine are a huge part of what creates a sense of peace and grounding in our lives. A healthy routine reduces stress be anxiety and can improve our physical and emotional well being. It is natural for every living creature on the planet to create certain life routines and natural rhythms along life’s journey.

At times in my life, my complete utter lack of ability to have any stable consistent routine makes me feel so desperate! I desperately want to cling to anything routine, anything grounding, anything to feel like I have just a bit of footing underneath me. Through the years with a lot of patience and practice, I have found a few things I am able to stay fairly routine on, like my daily writing practice, my daily meditation, getting outside for 10 minutes a day, and I do my best to eat my meals at similar times each day. Other than that my days can be wildly different with some days consisting of nothing but being stuck in bed or the couch barely able to walk myself to the bathroom out of pain/illness/exhaustion… and another day may be filled with an appointment with my physical therapist, or mental health specialist, a walk with my dog & kitties, a few hours of good deep work, and perhaps even making a yummy meal or enjoying some quality time with my loved ones.

Routine in life, is yet another luxury I used to have before chronic illness which I did not even realize was such a blessing until it was gone.

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