In a society which puts so much emphasis on our worth being connected to our personal achievements, accomplishments, and our ability to work and “earn”, it can be a major blow to a young adults self-esteem to be knocked out of the competition. Thousands of young people every year struggle to be ankle to earn a college degree, or secure any type of full-time or part time work due to the severe demands of chronic illness life. This can be a very tough pill to swallow when society says this is the age we should be young and healthy, having a great college experience, working on building a career, perhaps marriage, children, building a family… while so many are just struggling to get through a day, and fighting for basic housing, food, access to medical care, and equal access in the world.
Personally, I became ill in college, struggled and suffered a lot to earn my degree, but was forced out of my new career after only 3 and a half years, then lost my house, and had to fight every little step of the way to where I am now. I know the pain and struggle to “find” yourself again after chronic illness strikes… but with a lot of personal self-development work, loads of professional therapy, and exploring, and embracing my spiritual faith, I can now say I know my worth and it does not depend on what I can do, or how much money I can make, nor what things I have in this world, I now base my worth on my love, kindness, and desire to help others each day. I hope you can find your way to your true self beyond societies rules as well!