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This may make Depression worse with Chronic Illness!


I understand everyone has their own ways of dealing with things and getting through things in life, and I am actually a HUGE advocate for the practice of daily gratitude, of truly deeply appreciating the people, and blessings in the world around us each day. However, we ALL have days where life shoves us up against the ropes, and we are just taking a beating, and it is hard to lift our heads or get back up.

For me, in my now one and a half decade-long battle with a chronic health condition, I have found the best way for me to get through those days, is to ALLOW myself to have that shitty day! I just allow the depression to swoop-in, the frustration and anger to set stewing right under my collar, and I just allow it to be. I don’t try to fight it with a smile, or wish it away, meditate it away, or write a gratitude journal. We are all allowed to have hard days and to just be tired of it all and pissed off at life, and especially if you get up day after day, after day having to face a body which simply will not function as a healthy able-bodied persons does, you have even more right to allow yourself to have a shit day.

The secret is… you let the bad day come, or the bad half a day, or bad hour, and you feel it fully, you accept it, you thank it even for being there to remind you that you are not super-human, and that perhaps you need to give yourself some extra time-off, or self-care right now, and then… you pick yourself back up as soon as possible and go back to being grateful for the gift of life you have and the amazing things in your life despite your current situation.

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