Chronic illness life is H.A.R.D… there is no way around that… but it is what we choose to do with this life we were given, ill or not which will truly determine the quality of our lives.
In the early years of my illness I was in a constant state of either stress or anger/frustration… I could only see all the things that my illness was taking form my life, I had a constant invisible rap-sheet in my head where I would list all the negatives and frustrations my condition was bringing into my life. This way of thinking only bought me more suffering on top of the unavoidable suffering the illness created in my life.
Along my journey I began to find some footing and wisdom, and dropped this bad habit of focusing on the negatives and the losses, and the suffering and I instead took that energy and focus and tried to find a new path for my life, new things I was able to do despite my condition, and new purpose. The more I became involved in the community of others suffering with the same illness as myself, and found unique ways where I could serve and use my god-given talents to help spread awareness, education, and even fundraising, I saw a huge shift in my emotional well-being. This illness still sucks royally and always will, and if treatment does not become available, it will ultimately take my life and most likely far, far before the average age of passing. However, with time and effort I have truly found ways to make a difference for others in this world, and now my suffering and losses though many, are now not without purpose, not without impact, not in vain, and it truly does make all the difference. I hope you are able to direct your pain, frustrations, and sadness into purpose, and find more of this peace for yourself.
Let me know what new purpose you have found through your illness/disability?