No emotions do not cause chronic illnesses… however, chronic illness is a combination of physical manifestations from genetics , diet , lifestyle , toxins etc… a persons emotional state also plays a big part in one’s health and can either manifest in better health from a good healthy mental state, or be a negative impact.
The ‘Emotional Hole’ in respect to chronic illness is any impactful negative emotions, can be things like chronic stress, toxic relationships with people, past physical, emotional or sexual traumas, recent loss of loved ones/pets, along with stress and grief of chronic health challenges.
As I have personally experienced, the road to healing this ‘emotional hole’ is a long and challenging journey which takes serious commitment and dedication, however the reward is nothing short of a miracle once you heal your emotional state and begin annoying the peace, beauty and freedom of a calm, clear, healthy mind.
Personally I healed by seeing a mental health specialist who was covered by my insurance company 2 times per week, along with daily journaling (look up how to ‘brain-dump’,) daily meditation with guided meditation videos on YouTube, removing toxic relationships, pursuing new relationships with friends/ seeping current relationships, seeping my relationship with god, listening to online sermons, watching YouTube videos on healing chronic PTSD, reading books on healing PTSD, attending church, and writing my memoir. We all have access to different resources, do what you can, start where you are… if you can obtain help form a professional do it, however, if you do not have resources for this, please know you CAN heal through your own efforts if you are diligent enough and seek out available resources. Many cities also have available low-cost mental health services, do some digging, the help you need is out there, and you have a lot of healing power without your own self!