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Hi!  Welcome, I'am April

I am an author, blogger, and on a mission to bring support, love, motivation and wisdom to others living with chronic illness, disability, or any other major life obstacle.  I am obsessed with self-growth, purposefully living, my pets, learning to live my best life despite chronic illness, and God.

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OHHHHHH Sick-Upon-Sick!! Is there anything worse than living with a chronic illness and acquiring an acute illness like the flu, covid,...

Don't Let you Chronic Illness Define you!

As a fellow human who lives everyday with a chronic illness, I understand just how much a chronic illness can seep into every part of...

Don't Stop Searching for the ROOT Cause!

It took me 5 years… I saw nearly 60 doctors… I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, IBS, neuropathy, unspecific chronic pain, endometriosis,...

I don't rest because I am Lazy...

People with chronic illnesses don’t rest because we are lazy. Quiet the opposite, most people I know living with a chronic illness like...

The Emotional Hole & Chronic Illness

No emotions do not cause chronic illnesses… however, chronic illness is a combination of physical manifestations from genetics , diet ,...

Ten Commandments of Chronic Illness...

I do my best to live by God’s Ten Commandments… but I also do my best everyday to live by these chronic illness 10 commandments!...

We must be Vigilant on how we Spend Energy!

One of the GREATEST lessons chronic illness life has taught me is to be wildly, massively, insanely vigilant over where I am spending my...

Find your Chronic Illness Community!

Feeling alone is one of the most painful parts of living with a chronic illness… especially a rare chronic illness as a young/younger...

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