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Hi!  Welcome, I'am April

I am an author, blogger, and on a mission to bring support, love, motivation and wisdom to others living with chronic illness, disability, or any other major life obstacle.  I am obsessed with self-growth, purposefully living, my pets, learning to live my best life despite chronic illness, and God.

Home: Welcome

Don't Let you Chronic Illness Define you!

As a fellow human who lives everyday with a chronic illness, I understand just how much a chronic illness can seep into every part of...

I don't rest because I am Lazy...

People with chronic illnesses don’t rest because we are lazy. Quiet the opposite, most people I know living with a chronic illness like...

The Emotional Hole & Chronic Illness

No emotions do not cause chronic illnesses… however, chronic illness is a combination of physical manifestations from genetics , diet ,...

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