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Hi!  Welcome, I'am April

I am an author, blogger, and on a mission to bring support, love, motivation and wisdom to others living with chronic illness, disability, or any other major life obstacle.  I am obsessed with self-growth, purposefully living, my pets, learning to live my best life despite chronic illness, and God.

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Ten Commandments of Chronic Illness...

I do my best to live by God’s Ten Commandments… but I also do my best everyday to live by these chronic illness 10 commandments!...

We must be Vigilant on how we Spend Energy!

One of the GREATEST lessons chronic illness life has taught me is to be wildly, massively, insanely vigilant over where I am spending my...

Find your Chronic Illness Community!

Feeling alone is one of the most painful parts of living with a chronic illness… especially a rare chronic illness as a young/younger...

Don't judge my Health by my Looks!

None of us want to be judged, or at least not negatively anyway, we want to be seen for all our positive traits being hard-working,...

I do not WANT to Stay at Home all Day!

Believe me when I say the LAST thing I want is to be shut up in my house all day everyday… I do not do this by choice! Before chronic...

Chronic Illness is my Full-time job!

The part-time job you see me working is IN ADDITION to my full-time job of living with chronic illness! My chronic illness is a full-time...

Advocating for Yourself Daily is Exhausting!

The thing about life with chronic illness, especially one as progressed and serious as what I face with mitochondrial disease, is that...

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