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Hi!  Welcome, I'am April

I am an author, blogger, and on a mission to bring support, love, motivation and wisdom to others living with chronic illness, disability, or any other major life obstacle.  I am obsessed with self-growth, purposefully living, my pets, learning to live my best life despite chronic illness, and God.

Home: Welcome

The exhaustion of loss of Independence!

I have been ill now for 16 years, and in the past 10 years I have had great difficulty in managing normal daily life things like grocery...

Being Jealous of others HEALTH is Normal!

It is completely NORMAL to be jealous of other’s health as you continue to battle for yours and as your health continues to deteriorate. ...

Challenge of chronic illness and romance...

Long term committed relationships as well all know do not come easy and take a willingness to learn, grow and work together through life...

I plan by the HOUR not the Day, or Week!

In a world which operates on plans, and schedules by the day, the week, month sometimes even a year in advance… living in a chronically...

Why Weekends are the WORST for me!

For me the weekends are THE HARDEST for my emotional health and here’s why… during the week, I feel more like the average 39 year old… I...

The toll of Chronic Pain...

16 years of pain almost everyday now… I know that is just unfathomable for a healthy person to understand. This type of long-term ongoing...

When to PUSH... when to SURRENDER!

In a healthy body, societal norms give us pretty good guide-posts on when in life we can anticipate needing to transition from full-time...

When "Good Days" are so few...

This is my current reality and I know is same for so many others living with chronic illness. Due to the chronic nature of our illnesses...

It's okay if Traditions need to change...

THIS right here is gold that I wish I would have learned earlier in my chronic illness journey… I often pushed and pushed myself beyond...

Not everyone will stay...

One of the MOST painful lessons I learned when chronic illness took over my life is that not everyone will stay! Once I couldn’t be the...

The Fatigue of Advocacy

When living with a chronic illness, especially a rare chronic illness like mitochondrial disease which I battle daily we not only have to...

The Extreme STRESS of Chronic Illness!

If you are living with a chronic progressive illness like I am… PLEASE don’t be hard on yourself when you are struggling emotionally with...

Feeling like giving up is Normal!

As my disease worsens and I now struggle to do every simple daily task, unable to work more than a couple hours a day, and constantly...

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