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Hi!  Welcome, I'am April

I am an author, blogger, and on a mission to bring support, love, motivation and wisdom to others living with chronic illness, disability, or any other major life obstacle.  I am obsessed with self-growth, purposefully living, my pets, learning to live my best life despite chronic illness, and God.

Home: Welcome

The COST of chronic illness

There has been so many painful losses cost by the loss of my health and missing out on beautiful memories with friends and family while...

We are BEYOND tired!

One of the things I have found the most challenging to explain to the healthy people in my life, is how “tired” is for me and affects me…...

Don't be Invisible!

Living with invisible illness is extremely hard to have to constantly advocate for ourselves with everyone in our lives, friends, family,...

The Balance is being YOU!

For so many years, I struggled immensely to balance work-life, and family-life, alongside my invisible chronically illness… and often...

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