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Hi!  Welcome, I'am April

I am an author, blogger, and on a mission to bring support, love, motivation and wisdom to others living with chronic illness, disability, or any other major life obstacle.  I am obsessed with self-growth, purposefully living, my pets, learning to live my best life despite chronic illness, and God.

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Being Authentic in your Emotions...

I’ve noticed through my many long years living with chronic illness that society seems to have a kind of unwritten rule… if you are young...

The COST of chronic illness

There has been so many painful losses cost by the loss of my health and missing out on beautiful memories with friends and family while...

Socializing can be HARD with Chronic Illness

humans are wired for connection, and friendship, love and socialization… one of the most challenging things I have experienced through my...

Simple Tasks not so simple in an sick body!

When I shower I need to use a shower chair to sit… to brush my teeth I sit at the end of my bed… to wash the dishes and cook I use a...

Chronic Illness doesn't take Holidays!

This past Sunday on Easter my mom had to work so she couldn’t come over… my fiancé’s sister was supposed to stop by but timing didn’t...

Do what you CAN in each moment!

HARD lesson I have had to learn through my 16 year chronic illness journey is how to PACE MY ENERGY! I’ve come to realize now just how...

I am NOT better... I go out anyway!

It is hard for healthy people to understand… but for the chronically ill, even if we use the energy to get dressed, maybe even put on...

No age limit for Mobility Aids!

Mobility aids are used by anyone who has difficult in ambulating (moving, walking) on their own. Mobility aids include (not limited to):...

"Your too Young to Be Sick!"...

This is an all too common sentiment heard by many young adults going through chronic health challenges and can be extremely frustrating...

We don't WANT to Cancel Plans!

My health is so poorly now that I don’t even make plans… but a few years ago when I was still trying to make plans with others I would...

You Deserve to Take up SPACE!

You are here for a reason… God wants you here on this earth and your life has purpose no matter what illness or disability you are...

We are BEYOND tired!

One of the things I have found the most challenging to explain to the healthy people in my life, is how “tired” is for me and affects me…...

Don't be Invisible!

Living with invisible illness is extremely hard to have to constantly advocate for ourselves with everyone in our lives, friends, family,...

The Balance is being YOU!

For so many years, I struggled immensely to balance work-life, and family-life, alongside my invisible chronically illness… and often...

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