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Hi!  Welcome, I'am April

I am an author, blogger, and on a mission to bring support, love, motivation and wisdom to others living with chronic illness, disability, or any other major life obstacle.  I am obsessed with self-growth, purposefully living, my pets, learning to live my best life despite chronic illness, and God.

Home: Welcome

Life doesn't STOP because I am sick...

This I find is one of the very most difficult parts of my journey with chronic illness… this week alone even though I was struggling with...

It really is all in Perspective!

Let’s face it… NO ONE has life easy… even that friend/relative who you think has it all together… the great job, great health… loads of...

Turn suffering into Purpose!

Chronic illness life is H.A.R.D… there is no way around that… but it is what we choose to do with this life we were given, ill or not...

Life one-hour at a time!

In my many long years in this perpetual struggle I have found many things to help navigate this difficulty: 1. I work with my family in a...

Guilt... a daily plague in chronic illness

For many with chronic illness GUILT is as much a daily struggle as is the symptoms of the illness itself. We are plagued with guilt over...

Planning is impossible with Chronic Illness!

One of the most challenging things in my life with chronic illness is never being able to plan for my next day… I often can’t even plan...

No Vacations from Chronic Illness!

The reality of never getting a day off from health challenges in chronic illness REAL… and HARD! My everyday begins with pills, and each...

Medical sexual misconduct DOES happen!

For 12 years, I said nothing to anyone about the sexual misconducted I experienced during a testing procedure at a world-renowned medical...

"Mind over matter" is Bullshit!

I n life with chronic illness & disability you quickly learn that so many commonly-accepted life-mantras do NOT apply to this life. One...

The Painful Isolation of Chronic Illness....

When I was diagnosed with a progressive incurable chronic illness which currently has no FDA approved treatment… one of the first things...

I didn't choose chronic illness!

In my now 16 years living with chronic illness since the age of 25 I have met hundreds of young adults with chronic illness/disability...

The Challenge of needing Daily Help!

I have been ill now for 16 years, and in the past 10 years I have had great difficulty in managing normal daily life things like grocery...

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